Roman Moser

 EWF 2018 2018 04 14 08 53 Klein

Roman Moser started fly fishing at the age of thirteen. After teacher’s college, Hans Gebetsroither invited him to teach in his fly fishing school. At the same time, Roman also began tying flies at a local retailer in Gmunden. The river close to his home, the Gmundner Traun, was his testing ground for new patterns and materials and it was also instructive for his fly fishing.

Roman started his own casting school at the age of 35, which still attracts many fly fishing enthusiasts. Both absolute beginners and very experienced fly fishers can learn new casting techniques and work on eliminating or correcting ingrained casting mistakes.

For more than 20 years, Roman has had his own company, Innovative Fly Fishing Products, that produces mostly items such as leaders, fly tying materials, and useful accessories which are distributed worldwide. Roman has now said, “Everything comes to an end and I want to finally enjoy my retirement and fish more” and plans on closing his business by the end of 2023. His planning also includes extensive use of his rod in the western interior of the USA.

Roman has written many articles for publications such as Der Fliegenfischer and Fliegenfischen. Many of his pieces have been translated into French, English, and Russian and have been published in journals around the world. He has produced six timeless videos, which are especially popular in Europe and have been accepted as the standard for fly fishing.

For many years, Roman has concentrated on river management and the Ager in Upper Austria, a sister river of the Traun, has received special attention from him.


Roman Moser’s Casting Clinic:

This term comes from the US and is a synonym for casting courses. Correcting casting techniques is the focus of this clinic. Correction of casting errors is a significant component in Roman’s courses because about eighty per cent of the participants are already experienced fly fishers.

Recognizing and correcting ingrained casting flaws is very difficult. Simply demonstrating casting is easy and many can do so, but it isn’t easy to teach new skills and develop exercises to eliminate casting errors.

During the EWF, those who don’t know how to improve their casting are most welcome to have their technique examined by Roman who can point out mistakes and offer ways to correct them.

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Roman Moser’s Fly Tying:

Roman’s tying will concentrate on synthetic materials, such as ghost fiber, streamer brushes, and the use of metal fish heads, which are pushed to the hook’s eye and glued in place. There are many variations for both salt and fresh water. Roman will also demonstrate many fly tying tricks (simplifications) resulting from decades of tying experience.

EWF 2018 2018 04 15 56 19 Klein