Adrian Hauser
My name is Adrian Hauser and I am from Geisenfeld on the Ilm which is in the heart of the beautiful Hallertau in the middle of Bavaria.
Angling in general and fly fishing in particular have deep roots in my family’s history. From my father to my great grandfather, all were anglers. Even my mother passed her fishing examination.
Already at the age of 5, I enthusiastically stood on a river with my father and with a rod in my hand. After that we were regularly on the water. He taught me fishing techniques as well as a love of nature.
My grandfather (he was a member of the Isar Fishing Club - Munich and was a fly fisher) taught me about fly fishing in my early youth. The fine, precious rods, the unusual reels, the elegant casting style and, of course, the many delicate imitations of insects - the flies – already then generated a fascination which continues for me to today.
I have been, in every sense, an enthusiastic fly fisher for more than 20 years. So it was logical that I began tying flies about 15 years ago. Fooling a fish with a fly you have tied yourself is something very special, a culmination.
My fly tying emphasizes streamers for pike and huchen as well as nymphs. Of course, a dry fly finds it way often enough into my tying vise.
I tie predominantly flies for daily use on the water, that is, pragmatic flies. My experiences on the water are incorporated in my fly tying. This is, for me, an essential “ingredient” and I am convinced it is often the key to success.
Nevertheless, tying realistic flies has a special fascination for me. Here I claim to imitate as closely as possible the actual insect. Unfortunately, these flies, because of the amount of detail, are too “good” to fish with. But in one’s imagination, they are fished and you can see the big trout rising.....
When I'm not at the 2nd pool casting with the young people, you can meet me at my fly tying bench at the "Casting for children and young people" stand.