Although it can be tempting to start your run as soon as you've stepped out the front door, performing some pre-run stretches should be a non-negotiable part of your training session.

Dynamic stretching, which focuses on controlled and dynamic movements, will help prepare your body for the task ahead and may reduce the chances of injury.

These movements improve your range of motion, loosen up muscles, raise your heart rate and body temperature and improve blood flow. As a result, you'll be able to move more freely and efficiently and reduce your chances of getting injured.

Foam rolling will also help to boost blood flow and improve your range of motion, by breaking down any knots.

S0, next time you head out for a run, make sure you limber up beforehand, using the stretches and foam rolling exercises below. You don't need to do all of them, just pick and choose a few and aim to do them for five to 10 minutes.

Standing stretches

1.Arm circles

This is an image
Henning Heide

Loosen out your arms and your shoulders by making the widest circles you can manage. Make six complete circles forward and backward, first with one arm and then with the other.

2. Leg raises

pre run stretches
Henning Heide

This move activates your hip joints: breathe in deeply, stretch your arms up while carefully raising one leg until your thigh is horizontal to the floor. Repeat five times on each side.

3. High kicks

pre run stretches
Henning Heide

Stand up straight and swing your right leg up as far as your hip. Keep your leg straight. At the same time, raise your left arm as though you’re going to touch your right foot. Repeat 10 times on each side.

4. Forward bend

pre run stretches
Henning Heide

Spread your legs, toes forward and knees straight. Move your left hand to your right foot. Return to your starting position and move your righthand to your left foot. Do 10 in total.

5. Plyometric lunges

pre run stretches
Henning Heide

Lunge with your left foot and angle your right arm up. Explode up into a jump, bring your right leg forward and move your left leg back to land in the lunge. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Foam-roller stretches

6. Glutes

pre run stretches
Henning Heide

Sit on the roller, supporting yourself with your hands, one leg crossed over the other. If this is too difficult, put your leg down. Massage your glutes by rolling back and forth.

7. IT band

pre run stretches
Henning Heide

Lie on your left side, supporting your upper-body on your left forearm. Place the roller under your left thigh and roll back and forth. When starting out, switch to your right side after 10 reps. With practice, add more reps.

8. Upper back

pre run stretches
Henning Heide

Lie back on the floor, with your knees bent and your arms folded across your chest. Place the roller under your back and raise your bum. Roll slowly between your tailbone and shoulders, spending time on any tight spots.

9. Quadriceps

pre run stretches
Henning Heide

Lie on your stomach and support yourself on your lower arms, with the roller under your thighs. Roll up and down your thighs. You can do this exercise either on one side and then the other, or on both legs at once.

10. Calves

pre run stretches
Henning Heide

Sit on the floor with your legs outstretched, roller under one calf. Use your hands to roll yourself back and forth. Tense your stomach, back and bum. Feel free to add a little pressure with your top leg.