Free half marathon training plans for every goal, Tom Craggs, has put together a marathon training plan to help you reach your goal, even if you're new running.

A 5:00 marathon is approximately 11:30 per mile but training to a target pace of 11:00 per mile will get you in at 4:48. Aim to be comfortable running three or four times a week.

Each week will include easy, long, tempo and speed runs as well as core sessions, rest days and optional cross-training.

The training plans will be published here in four-weekly blocks and can be saved onto your desktop or mobile device as an image. So bookmark this page and stay on track with us, right through to the finish line.

Weeks 1 - 4

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The initial weeks of training involve building good habits and consistency in training. Listen to any aches and pains, take appropriate rest and sleep well to help your body gradually adapt to the training load.

When starting training it is ok to have walk breaks if it enables you to maintain the pace. If you miss a training session though injury, illness or general life getting in the way, prioritise your long run that week. Consider replacing the interval session with cross training such as elliptical training, bike or aqua-jogging.

Train for a sub-1:25 half marathon to help speed up recovery and help you run better and faster and How to run a sub-2 hour half marathon. Plus, a runner's stretching routine Half marathon training plan for beginners.

Weeks 5 - 8

runner's world training plans new balance mission marathon

Weeks 9 - 12

runner's world new balance mission marathon training plan

Weeks 13 - 16

runner's world sub 5 mission marathon training plan

For core sessions check out the New Balance. We’ll be sharing advice, training plans, strength workouts and first looks at New Balance kit to get you to the start line ready to go