How to use KT Tape for shin splints running form, words like ‘cadence’, ‘over-striding’ and ‘arm swing’ are well known. Mention dorsiflexion, though, and most runners will give you a blank stare. Yet it is a crucial aspect of efficient, injury-free running form. In short, dorsiflexion describes the movement at the ankle joint that brings your toes closer to you shin. And if you’re serious about your running, you should be able to achieve at least 15 degrees of dorsiflexion on both legs.

What is dorsiflexion?

Dorsiflexion is the backward-bending motion of your hand or foot. You can also dorsiflex your feet and toes. Go on, give it a go. For our purposes, though, we’re chiefly concerned with ankle dorsiflexion. As you’ve doubtless noted, the foot and ankle joint play an important part in running, and anything that happens here passes up the kinetic chain, thus affecting the knee, hip and lower back.

Why is dorsiflexion important?

Dorsiflexion plays an important role at all speeds, but it becomes particularly important at higher speeds – during interval sessions or tempo runs, Plantar fascia pain.

Proper dorsiflexion allows for an optimal foot strike and can contribute to fewer injuries by putting your foot in the best position to absorb the shock of landing. It also contributes to reduced contact time, which has itself been associated with more efficient running.

What causes poor dorsiflexion?

One of the main causes of poor dorsiflexion is tightness in your lower-limb posterior chain muscles – chiefly, your calves. Another cause is restricted movement at the ankle, often the result of a previous ankle injury. What is hip bursitis.

How to tell if you can’t dorsiflex properly

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How to improve your dorsiflexion

Isometric dorsiflexion holds

With feet hip-width apart, raise your right knee to hip height, with a 90-degree angle at the knee joint. Now flex the toes on your right foot and hold this position for 30 seconds. Swap legs and repeat three times.

Heel walks

Raise the front of both feet, keeping your heels on the ground. Without locking your knees, walk on your heels for 20 metres. Turn round and repeat. Aim for three sets. Do it correctly and you should start to feel a burn in your shins.