If you’re looking for a way to Kids lace-up combat boots Black, get fit, lose weight, Add Love & Roses Leather Embellished Sandal to your favourites training plans to try. There are Joe Wicks HIIT workouts, treadmill workouts, Pilates classes, Peloton classes and yoga stretches – all taking place virtually and/or in studios and gyms up and down the country. But have you ever tried a Hyrox workout?

Combining running with completing a specific set of exercises – such as burpees or lunges – could Hyrox help take your running to the next level?

What is Hyrox?

Launching in Germany in 2017, Hyrox is a fitness race that takes place in major cities across the globe and combines both running and basic functional strength movements. With over 90,000 athletes in the 2022/23 season, Hyrox has surged in popularity – partly due to the fact there’s no finishing time restriction and no qualification required to enter.

But, because the event consists of 8km of running and eight functional workouts, to do well at the event, you need to be relatively strong and be a fairly experienced runner.

A Hyrox race consists of the following (and is completed in exactly this order):

  • 1km run
  • 1black athletic sneaker
  • 1km run
  • 50Tommy Jeans Deconstructed Basket Mens Shoes
  • 1km run
  • 50m sled pull
  • 1km run
  • 80m burpee broad jump
  • 1km run
  • 1kPop on a pair of fuzzy sandals for a cozy finish
  • 1km run
  • 200m farmers carry
  • 1km run
  • 100Heres what Type 2 diabetics or those at risk should know before starting a running program
  • 1km run
  • 100 wall balls

‘The event is relatively intense,’ says Jake Dearden, Represent 247 head coach and athlete, and Hyrox Open world record holder. ‘It will take an average competitor anything from an hour and a half to two hours to complete; the best in the world do it in 54 minutes, and there is no cut-off, so the longest time is over four hours.’

What’s really important to recognise, he says, is that there aren’t any resting periods throughout the event (unless you run in a pair or in a relay team). ‘You are going to spend over 50% of your time running, so we tend to over-index on running volume in training as, for lots of people, taking part in running may not be their primary sport and 8km might constitute a serious effort for them.’

For a large part of the event, you will also be running sub-optimally, as your legs will be fatigued from the previous station. ‘The term for this is “compromised running” – think something similar to fell running fatigue after a large uphill,’ he explains. ‘This means you’ve got to think tactically about where you push hard and where you take it easier.’

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    If you’re a runner who only does a limited amount of cross training or strength training, then adding a Hyrox workout into your training week won’t hinder your running, in fact, it has a good chance of improving it, says Dearden.

    ‘I find that runners can often benefit from some additional strength training,’ he says. ‘Both bi-lateral and single-length strength and core development are incredibly helpful for developing robust healthy runners – don’t worry about bulking up too much, it’s not as easy as you might think to put on muscle mass, especially if you are running lots.’

    Other benefits of Hyrox training include; increased leg strength. ‘Your legs will become stronger, and more powerful; you will get better at running under fatigue, especially when it gets to those closing miles of your long run, allowing you to push on and run faster,’ he says. ‘Not to mention the mental strength you’re going to build from all of those burpees,’ he adds.

    Hyrox workout to try in the gym

    This is a three-part session that incorporates a lot of the movements from a Hyrox event. The aim? To combine running and strength and conditioning movements to develop your work capacity, strength and understand how it feels to pair these movements together.

    If you find this tough, start with lower weights to start with and work up to the weight recommendations below.


    Complete 2 rounds of the following:

    • 3 minutes jogging
    • 30 trail running dona
    • 10 air squats
    • 10 side lunges
    • 5 hamstring walkouts

    Workout 1:

    2-3 rounds:

    • 250m ski erg
    • 25Tommy Jeans Deconstructed Basket Mens Shoes (75kg for women/125kg for men/pro women/175kg for pro men)
    • 30 wall balls (4kg for women/6kg for men/pro women/9kg pro men)
    • 500m run

    Womens Nike Air Max Excee Running Shoe and for 3 minutes between workouts.

      Workout 2:

      2-3 rounds:

      • 500m run
      • 250Pop on a pair of fuzzy sandals for a cozy finish
      • 25m sled pull (50kg for women/75kg for men/pro women/125kg for pro men)
      • 100m farmers carry (16kg for women/34kg for men/pro women/32kg for pro men)

      Womens Nike Air Max Excee Running Shoe and for 3 minutes between workouts.

      Workout 3:

      2-3 rounds:

      • 40Cechy Xero shoes Oswego
      • 30m sandbag walking lunges (10kg for women/20kg for men/pro women/30kg for pro men)
      • 500m run

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      5 minutes bike erg
      5-10 minutes of static stretching

      Scaling options:

      If you’d like a shorter workout: complete 2 rounds of each workout.

      If you’d like a longer workout: complete 3 rounds of each workout.

      Do it with a friend: Split all work between you evenly, apart from the runs (do these together at the same time).


      Womens Nike Air Max Excee Running Shoe | A couple of workout tips...

      • Aim to keep your intensity just below the red line: ‘When you are completing these workouts you want to think about maintaining something we call Maximum Sustainable Intensity,’ says Dearden. ‘This means you are working hard enough that you are out of breath and building in intensity through each round but at no point are you reaching a point where you need to stop moving.’
      • Don’t set out too fast: ‘You want to go at a pace where you can complete each round with minimal rest but still be out of breath at the end. Make sure you use the entire 90 seconds rest in between each round,’ he says.
      • Ankle boots GUESS FL8RSD FAB10 OLIVE: ‘One of the great things about Hyrox is you know exactly what the race is so [if you want to compete in a Hyrox race] you can practise the exact movements, it’s one of the reasons runners seem to enjoy it so much, you can practise and race just like you would a 5K.’

      Womens Nike Air Max Excee Running Shoe | So how do you train for a Hyrox event?

      Put on a pair of black sneakers for a refined appearance.

      Dearden says a classic training session should incorporate ‘something that drives some leg fatigue, through either a sled push/pull, lunge or squat variation while also teaching you to run fast with those heavy legs.’

      jake dearden
      Jake Dearden