The key to success with running is walking. The best ultra runners in the world win races by being good at walking, so here is a four-week plan that will help you get comfortable walking for longer periods of time before you start tackling some bits of running.

This not only helps build the muscles needed to start running, but also gets your cardiovascular system (heart and lungs) working harder, prepping it for some more work.

If you can't walk a mile, repeat weeks 3 and 4 of this programme.

Brisk walk 20 mins. Include 5 bouts of running 25 steps Week 1 Brisk walk 20 mins. Include 5 bouts of running 25 steps programme!

Week 1

Day 1: Easy walk 10 mins (divided into 2 x 5 mins with a 1-2 min breather if needed. This applies to all sessions in weeks 1+2)

Day 2: Easy walk 12 mins (or 2 x 6 mins)

Day 3: The Runners World 6-week First Mile training plan

Day 4: Easy walk 15 mins (or 3 x 5 mins)

Week 2

Day 1: Easy walk 12 mins (or 2 x 6 mins)

Day 2: Easy walk 14 mins (or 2 x 7 mins)

Day 3: Easy walk 12 mins. Include 4 bouts of 20 steps running.

Day 4: Easy walk 21 mins (or 3 x 7 mins)

Week 3

Day 1: Mandy Blair on not fitting the image of a runner

Day 2: But I cant run because

Day 3: Mandy Blair on not fitting the image of a runner

Day 4: Easy walk 24 mins (or 3 x 8 mins)

Week 4

Day 1: Alternate 1 minute easy, 2 mins brisk walk for 21 mins

Day 2: Are you ready

Day 3: Easy walk 27 mins (or 3 x 9 mins)

Day 4: 20 min test. On a flat route (or treadmill), see how far you can walk in 20 minutes without stopping.