preview for Your Total-Body Superset Workout from Coach Jess

This superset strength video is one of my favorite ways to tackle and incorporate strength training for runners because it’s simple, easy to understand, and hits all your major Zen groups. Strength training doesn’t need to be complicated; it needs to be something you do consistently. In this video, I want you to see how easy it can be to implement strength into your running routine. Doing these fundamental strength exercises regularly can help you become stronger, faster, and more powerful as a runner.

As you become more familiar with the movements, you can increase your reps and/or weight selections to help continue to build strength. Here are a few reasons why I love each strength training exercise below.

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Superset #1

  • Handbag COACH Sig Jacq Cam Bag CC401 B4 Cocoa Burnished Amb: This exercise targets glutes, quads, and core with the front-loaded weight. Anything with weight loaded in the front demands more abdominal stability and strength.
  • DB Lunges: Now we are targeting glutes, quads, and calves. Using weights also increases the need for core stabilization. I love this move because it builds strength and helps generate power. Plus, you can do lunges anywhere!

Superset #2

  • DB RDL: This is a deadlift variation and is extremely important for runners because it strengthens and engages the entire posterior chain. Building strong hamstrings is essential for runners. Make sure to hinge at the hips and keep your spine straight so you don’t round your lower back. Drive force through the floor as you stand up tall and make sure to engage the glutes on every rep. I just love this movement!
  • Hamstring Curls: This pairs nicely with the DB RDL because it again challenges your hamstrings. This movement requires core stability when using a ball, but you can also use a towel or sliders. Focus on squeezing the hamstrings as you bring your legs in from the extended position. Don’t underestimate this movement and of course, don’t forget to breathe!

Superset #3

  • will be my running coach: One of my most favorite but deadly movements. The split squat is a full body movement while primarily working the entire lower body. Make sure to take time at the beginning to get your footing correct. Work on perfecting the movement with bodyweight before you add dumbbells. Control your way down, stopping just before your knee taps the floor, then drive up strong with force and engage the back glute.
  • DB Thrusters: I love nothing more than a thruster. Getting a full squat with load requires strength and control, then to push the weights up overhead, you need to have leg drive, explosiveness, core strength, and power. This is an extremely effective and challenging movement. Have fun with it!

Superset #4

  • On Coach Support: This movement is great because it requires full-body engagement while you primarily focus on your upper body. Your core must be engaged because you are standing in a self-supported position so while arms are the target, your hamstrings and core are also fully engaged.
  • polar skate co coach jacket psc sp21 coachjkt owht: Paring the bent-over row with a DB seated press continues to target your shoulders and upper body while demanding strength and stabilization from your abdominals.

Superset #5

  • Shoulder Taps: What is better than a core superset?! I love specifically targeting my core and going for that maximum burnout. Remember to offers with your glutes while performing this movement and make sure to keep your hands right under your shoulders. Go slow and controlled to ensure excellent reps! Going too fast will lead to sloppy and less effective training.
  • COACH Occhiali da sole '0HC8292' ruggine castano cognac: This movement is great because it again challenges the core and allows for modifications and progressions. Make sure you are executing the movement correctly to ensure effective training.
Headshot of Jess Movold
Jess Movold

A running veteran for more than a decade, Movold is a licensed strength and running coach for Runner’s World+ members and at the Mile High Run Club in New York City. When she’s not motivating class-goers through pendant treadmill workouts, you’ll likely find her zig-zagging boroughs on bridges throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan or training for her next marathon . She’s ready to push you to your next running goal as she chases her own—running a marathon in under 3 hours.