Why This Workout Will Help

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The muscles of your core, along the front and back of your spine, are hugely important when you run. This 20-minute core workout will strengthen your core to make you a better runner. It’s designed by sports medicine physician Jordan Metzl, M.D., who is a marathoner, Ironman competitor, and creator and star of the Runner’s World IronStrength workout. The following routine is available on the New IronStrength DVD from Runner’s World, along with other strength-training routines specifically designed for runners.

Dynamic Warmup

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Loosen up your muscles and get your heart pumping to prep your body for exercise. You could do 2 to 3 minutes of jumping jacks as squats to get your body warmed up. 

Superset 1

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Do four sets of 10 mountain climbers immediately followed by 10 legs down. See the next slides for details on how to do these moves properly.

Mountain Climbers

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Get into a pushup position. While keeping your upper body in place, alternate leg positions by extending forward your right leg under your body, then immediately returning your right leg back while bringing your left leg up. Do 10 reps.

Get stronger, faster, and stay on the road with the IronStrength Workout for Runners

Legs Down

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Lie on your back with your arms down at your sides or behind your head. Raise your legs up into the air. Keeping your knees and feet together, lower your feet down toward the ground. Bring them back up and lift your hips off the ground. Do 10 reps.

Superset 2

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Do four sets of 10 plank rows immediately followed by 10 weighted situps. See the next slides for details on how to do these moves properly.

Plank Row

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Start in a plank position with your legs wide to create stability. Hold onto your dumbbells. Keeping your core tight and your back flat, lift your right elbow toward the ceiling to row the weight. Return the dumbbell to the ground and repeat on your left side. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

Weighted Situp

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Sit with knees bent, feet on the floor, while holding either one or two dumbbells overhead. Lower your back down to the floor. Come back up and repeat for 10 reps.

Plank Series

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Do 3 variations of a plank, holding each one for 1 minute. See the next slides for details on how to do these moves properly.

Side Plank

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Lie on your left side. Place your left forearm under your left shoulder with your legs stacked, knees and hips straight. Raise your hips and extend your right arm in the air. Hold for 1 minute.

Forward Plank

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From the side plank, rotate your body so you are facing the floor. Support your body on your elbows and toes. Keep your back and hips steady so that they form a straight line from your head and neck. Hold for 1 minute. 

RELATED: The Best QL Stretches and Exercises

Side Plank

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From forward plank, rotate your body and come into another side plank, this time on your right side. Place your right forearm under your shoulder with your legs stacked, knees and hips straight. Raise your hips and extend your left arm in the air. Hold for 1 minute.

Oppositional Burpees

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Jump up into the air. Then come down, squatting down, and putting the palms of your hands on the floor in front of you. Kick both feet back, so that you are in a plank position. Lift your right arm and your left leg into the air. Put them back down. Then, lift your left arm and your right leg into the air. Put them back down. Do a pushup. Then jump up into the air. That’s 1 rep. Start with 4 reps and build up from there.

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Sure up your middle to run better than ever.