Saddle Hunting For Beginners

Hunting Tree Saddle Buying Guide

Saddle hunting has been riding a wave of popularity in recent years as hunters discover its advantages over traditional treestand hunting. Making the shift to saddle hunting can be a bit overwhelming with all the details to consider. Making the shift to saddle hunting can be a bit overwhelming with all the details to consider, so our Hunting Experts break down everything you need to know about saddle hunting including the pros and cons of saddle hunting and what you need to get started. 

What is Saddle Hunting?

Saddle hunting involves using a tree platform, hunting saddle, ropes, carabiners, and climbing sticks to ascend into a tree. Unlike traditional treestands, you're not seated fully – you're suspended somewhere between sitting and standing. This gives hunters the flexibility to shift between multiple positions, a feature some hunters find more comfortable than being confined to a ladder stand. Furthermore, this flexible and innovative hunting setup is versatile, allowing hunters to confidently and safely use both firearms and bows while maintaining an optimum shooting position.

Pros of Saddle Hunting

image of a man hunting in a tree

Like any hunting method, saddle hunting comes with its own set of advantages and potential drawbacks. If you are unsure whether or not saddle hunting is right for you, here are some of the advantages to consider.


When you're heading to your hunting spot or public land, you might find yourself unsure about the best place to set up for the day. That's where a tree saddle really shines. Its mobility allows you to easily take down and set up your system, granting you the flexibility to try out multiple locations all in one day.

Shot Versatility

Perhaps the most significant benefit that tree saddles offer hunters is increased shot versatility. When suspended from a tree, you gain the ability to shift your position around the trunk. This extra flexibility translates into a wider range of angles and potentially more shot opportunities. It's a smart strategy to start by facing the area where you expect the most deer activity. Then, as the situation evolves, you can easily adjust your positioning or use the tree as cover from incoming deer.


As you trek to your hunting spot, you'll notice the lightweight convenience of a tree saddle setup compared to hauling a bulky ladder stand. The tree saddle's compact size is particularly beneficial for those longer hikes to remote hunting spots, helping you conserve energy for when you need it most.

Cons of Saddle Hunting

female hunting in a tree stand

It's also important to touch upon some of the potential downsides of saddle hunting. These points might be worth considering if you're still on the fence about giving saddle hunting a try.

More Physically Demanding

It's worth noting that saddle hunting demands a solid combination of leg and core strength, plus a good sense of balance. Typically, hunters use tree climbing sticks to reach their chosen height. This involves setting up the climbing sticks, wrapping a lineman's rope around the tree, and attaching it to the saddle or safety harness. Then, they'll gradually climb the tree. Given these physical requirements, saddle hunting may not be the ideal choice for every hunter.

Unfamiliar Shooting Angles

For those new to saddle hunting, learning to comfortably position both body and bow for an accurate shot can be a bit of a challenge. Given that you're suspended from the tree, finding the right stance for different shooting angles might take some getting used to. It's a good idea to put in some practice in your backyard, getting familiar with shifting and adjusting while in your saddle.

Saddle Hunting Checklist

man hunting in a tree with a bow and arrow

If you're interested in tree saddle hunting this season, our Hunting Experts share the essentials you'll need to get started as well as some optional accessories.

Saddle Hunting Essentials:

Optional Saddle Hunting Accessories:

  • Knee Pads: Help protect the hunter's knees during climbing and while in the saddle.
  • Hunting Fanny Pack: Provides convenient storage for hunting gear keeping essentials within easy reach.
  • Treestand Accessories: Enhance the functionality and comfort of the tree stand, can include things like straps, ropes, and hooks.

Handheld Power Tools

  • Expert Callout

    Seth Amundson

    Seth Amundson ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN Hunting Expert

    "When it comes to hunting on public land, nothing beats saddle hunting," shares Seth, Hunting Expert at ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN. "It's portable, easy to install, and offers exceptional security. Simply put, saddle hunting sits at the apex of mobility and ease of setup."

    Now that you know the pros and cons of hunting tree saddles, you can decide whether or not tree saddle hunting is right for you. If you have any other questions about tree saddle hunting, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN with any additional questions.