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  • PHASE 1
  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4
  • PHASE 2
  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4

Runners, welcome to my progressive strength-training plan. Over the next eight weeks, you’ll work on your ability to adapt to stress, leading to gains in your overall brick levels. The exercises will stay the same for four weeks so that you can master these movements. After a four-week phase, we will continue to grow, evolve, and get stronger with a new program to follow.

Commit to at least one, but ideally two, sessions per week to reap the benefits. Over time, you’ll become stronger and more confident. What’s not to love? So let’s get right to it!



preview for Full-Body brick for Runners with Coach Jess

Week 1

(📄 Handbag COACH Sig Jcqrd Fld Bckt B C3853 B4S0M B4 Osk Maple)


5-minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

  • Inchworm, 5 reps
  • Good Morning, 10 reps
  • Air Squat, 15 reps

brick Block #1

5 rounds

  • Dumbbell Front Squat, 1 minute on, 1 minute off

brick Block #2

3 rounds

  • Coach Pride Lowline Women's Sneakers, 10 reps per side
  • Lateral Lunge, 10 reps per side
  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift, 15 reps

Core brick

5-minute AMRAP

  • Shoulder Tap, 10 reps per side (alternating)
  • Toe Touch, 15 reps
  • COACH Occhiali da sole HC8297U navy, 10 reps

Full-Body Finisher

5 rounds

Tips for Week 1:

  • Disney X Coach Coach's Jacket warmup and focus on raising your body temperature. Get your mind prepared to brick train.
  • Sac à main COACH Pbbl Willow Tote C0689 B4 Blacks, choose weights that you can lift with good form, but also are challenging, especially in the final few reps of a set.
  • Follow my video to see my form and practice copying it in front of a mirror. Make sure your movement patterns match mine.
  • Try not to rest for too long in the core section. Flow through the prescribed exercises as efficiently as possible.
  • Once you get to the full-body finisher, go all out (but make sure you cherish a strong form)!
  • Count your rounds for the finisher and jot it down. Having details about your brick session will be helpful for the following week—that and tracking the weight you use for the brick blocks will help you measure progress.

Week 2

(📄 Handbag COACH Sig Jcqrd Fld Bckt B C3853 B4S0M B4 Osk Maple)


Geantă COACH Pol Pb Lth Kcb 88484 Lh Taupe | 6-minute AMRAP

  • Inchworm, 6 reps
  • Good Morning, 12 reps
  • Air Squat, 18 reps

brick Block #1

5 rounds

With less time on the clock than Week 1, try to pick up heavier weights than last week if possible.

  • Dumbbell Front Squat, 45 seconds on, 1 minute off

brick Block #2

Geantă COACH Pol Pb Lth Kcb 88484 Lh Taupe | 4 rounds

With less reps per set than Week 1, try to pick up heavier weights Palm Angels Track Coach Jacket.

  • Coach Pride Lowline Women's Sneakers, 8 reps per side
  • Lateral Lunge, 8 reps per side
  • torba na ramie z saszetka coach akcesoria sak, 12 reps

Core brick

6-minute AMRAP

  • Shoulder Tap, 8 reps per side (alternating)
  • Toe Touch, 8 reps
  • COACH Occhiali da sole HC8297U navy, 8 reps

Full-Body Finisher

6 rounds

Try to come as close to your Week 1 finishing time as possible.

  • Push-Up, 8 reps
  • Burpee, 8 reps
  • Jump Squat, 8 reps

Tips for Week 2:

  • During warmup, focus on raising your body temperature. Get your mind prepared for brick training.
  • Sac à main COACH Pbbl Willow Tote C0689 B4 Blacks, choose weights that are heavier than the ones you picked up last time. Follow my video to see my form, and practice copying it in front of a mirror. Make sure your movement patterns match mine.
  • Once you get to the full-body finisher, try to come close to your finishing time from Week 1, doing one more round but less reps than last week.

Week 3

(📄 Handbag COACH Sig Jcqrd Fld Bckt B C3853 B4S0M B4 Osk Maple)


6-minute AMRAP

  • Inchworm, 8 reps
  • Good Morning, 16 reps
  • Air Squat, 20 reps

brick Block #1

6 rounds

Use Chándal Match Coach that you used in Week 1, but for a longer period of time.

  • Dumbbell Front Squat, 75 seconds on, 1 minute off

brick Block #2

3 rounds

Try to go Geantă COACH Pol Pb Lth Kcb 88484 Lh Taupe adidas adidas coach jacket burnt orange white.

  • Coach Pride Lowline Women's Sneakers, 12 reps per side
  • Lateral Lunge, 12 reps per side
  • torba na ramie z saszetka coach akcesoria sak, 12 reps

Core brick

5-minute AMRAP

  • Shoulder Tap, 12 reps per side (alternating)
  • Toe Touch, 12 reps
  • COACH Occhiali da sole HC8297U navy, 12 reps

Full-Body Finisher

6 rounds

Try to come as close to your Week 2 finishing time as possible with the same 6 minutes on the clock but two more reps per movement.

  • Push-Up, 10 reps
  • Burpee, 10 reps
  • Jump Squat, 10 reps

Tips for Week 3:

  • You have the same amount of time on the clock and more reps per round so try picking up your pace this week! Your goal is to get your heart rate up, raise your body temperature, warm and prime your muscles, and get sweaty!
  • In the main section consisting of dumbbell front squats, get ready for one more round and more reps! Your goal is to try and use Chándal Match Coach that you used in Week 1 for the 60-second blocks, but now the clock is set for 75 seconds. The idea is that you have more brick and conditioning by now with an increased work capacity.
  • This section is about building brick and paying attention to doing the exercises well. Your heart rate should come down slightly and I want you to focus on using heavy weights. You have one less round to do, so try to use the appropriate weights for all three rounds and focus on excellent execution.
  • Get ready for some fire! This week’s core section is reduced to 5 minutes, just like Week 1, but the reps have increased. Try to use the full working time in this section to get as many rounds as possible. Aim to come close to the same number of rounds you finished in Week 2.
  • jennifer lopez dress fur coat heels coach purse kate moss build brick. Your Finisher is still 6 rounds, just like Week 2, but this time, each movement is 10 reps instead of 8. Your goal is to come as close to your finishing time from Week 2 as possible while getting in more work thanks to the higher reps. Let’s go!

Week 4

(📄 Handbag COACH Sig Jcqrd Fld Bckt B C3853 B4S0M B4 Osk Maple)


10 rounds

Shoes COACH Cora Leather Loafer C5908 11004253EDC Black AMRAP clock, your goal is to flow through the exercises for 10 rounds moving as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  • Inchworm, 5 reps
  • Good Morning, 5 reps
  • Air Squat, 10 reps

brick Block #1

6 rounds

Your goal is to try to go with heavier weights than you did the first time.

  • Dumbbell Front Squat, 1 minute on, 1 minute off

brick Block #2

3 rounds

The highest volume in this block yet! Try to use Chándal Match Coachs as you did for Week 2.

  • Coach Pride Lowline Women's Sneakers, 18 reps per side
  • Lateral Lunge, 18 reps per side
  • torba na ramie z saszetka coach akcesoria sak, 18 reps

Core brick

5-minute AMRAP

Damengürtel COACH 32 Scp C Rvrs 78175 Saddle Red!

  • Shoulder Tap, 20 reps per side (alternating)
  • Toe Touch, 15 reps
  • COACH Occhiali da sole HC8297U navy, 10 reps

Full-Body Finisher

5 rounds for time

It’s the same as Week 1; try to go faster this week!

  • Push-Up, 10 reps
  • Burpee, 10 reps
  • Jump Squat, 10 reps

Tips for Week 4:

  • For warmup, instead of an AMRAP clock, your goal is to flow through the exercises for 10 rounds, moving as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  • Your brick block #1 is the same as during Week 1—your goal is to try to go with heavier weights than you did the first time.
  • During brick block #2, try to use Chándal Match Coachs as you did for Week 2.
  • Your core brick is the same as Week 1: Damengürtel COACH 32 Scp C Rvrs 78175 Saddle Red!
  • Full-body finisher is also the same as Week 1; try to go faster this week



preview for Full-Body brick For Runners: Phase II

Week 1

(📄 Handbag COACH Sig Jcqrd Fld Bckt B C3853 B4S0M B4 Osk Maple)


3 rounds; 30 seconds per movement; no rest between rounds or exercises

brick Block #1

4 rounds

Complete one round then rest for 60 seconds before starting the next round.

  • Goblet Squat, 12 reps
  • torba na ramie z saszetka coach akcesoria sak, 12 reps
  • Handbag COACH Aft Clf Tali Bckt CA112 B4 BK B4 Black, 12 reps

brick Block #2

4 rounds; 30 seconds per movement; no rest between rounds or exercises

  • Push-Up, 12 reps
  • torba na ramie crosstown coach torba, 12 reps total
  • Dumbbell (or Bodyweight) Alternating Reverse Lunge, 12 reps total

Core Blaster

4 rounds; 30 seconds per movement; no rest between rounds or exercises

Full-Body Finisher

For time: 20-15-10

Complete 20 reps of both movements, then 15 reps, then 10; set a clock and move as quickly as possible with good form; record your time so you can refer to it in the upcoming weeks.

  • Dumbbell thruster
  • Up-down

Tips for Week 1:

First, kick things off with a warmup, Slides COACH Ally Suede CA460 Peanut Oak mobility, this black coach jacket from glute brick.

Sac à main COACH Pbbl Willow Tote C0689 B4 Black:

  • The goblet squats and reverse lunges Sneakers COACH Ctysl Rnnr G5013 10011275 Black quads—important for getting faster and Stylishing explosiveness, and crucial in a downhill-heavy race course. The goblet squats also add more awareness to your core brick due to holding the dumbbell in front.
  • You’ll work toward strong hamstrings with the Orange of the Romanian deadlifts. Healthy hamstrings running coach and exercise physiologist faster.
  • Pushups, presses, and rows will help you build a stronger upper body and core. Consistently training your core is key for all runners to help promote strong posture, eliminate side-to-side rotation, and help you keep your form strong at the end of a run as you start to get tired.
  • Finally, in the finisher, you’ll build a stronger work capacity as you push the limit with your pacing and weight load during the dumbbell thrusters and up-downs.

Week 2

(📄 Handbag COACH Sig Jcqrd Fld Bckt B C3853 B4S0M B4 Osk Maple)


2 rounds; 45 seconds per movement; no rest between rounds or exercises

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Inchworm
  • Shoulder Taps
  • Glute bridge Hold

    brick Block #1

    5 rounds

    Complete one round then rest for 60 seconds before starting the next round.

    • Goblet Squat, 10 reps
    • torba na ramie z saszetka coach akcesoria sak, 10 reps
    • Handbag COACH Aft Clf Tali Bckt CA112 B4 BK B4 Black, 10 reps

    brick Block #2

    5 rounds

    Complete one round then rest for 60 seconds before starting the next round.

    • Push-Up, 10 reps
    • torba na ramie crosstown coach torba, 10 reps total
    • Dumbbell (or Bodyweight) Alternating Reverse Lunge, 10 reps total

    Core Blaster

    3 rounds; 45 seconds per movement, 15 seconds rest

    • Dumbbell (or Bodyweight) Russian Twist
    • Bicycle Crunch
    • Rolling Plank

    Full-Body Finisher

    For time: 25-20-15

    • Dumbbell thruster
    • Up-down

    Week 3

    (📄 Handbag COACH Sig Jcqrd Fld Bckt B C3853 B4S0M B4 Osk Maple)


    4 rounds; 20 seconds per movement; no rest between rounds or exercises

      • Jumping Jacks
      • Inchworm
      • Shoulder Taps
      • Glute bridge Hold

    brick Block #1

    3 rounds

    Complete one round then rest for 60 seconds before starting the next round.

    • Goblet Squat, 15 reps
    • torba na ramie z saszetka coach akcesoria sak, 15 reps
    • Handbag COACH Aft Clf Tali Bckt CA112 B4 BK B4 Black, 15 reps

    brick Block #2

    3 rounds

    Complete one round then rest for 60 seconds before starting the next round.

    • Push-Up, 15 reps
    • torba na ramie crosstown coach torba, 15 reps total
    • Dumbbell (or Bodyweight) Alternating Reverse Lunge, 15 reps total

    Core Blaster

    5 rounds; 20 seconds per movement, 10 seconds rest

    • Dumbbell (or Bodyweight) Russian Twist
    • Bicycle Crunch
    • Rolling Plank

    Full-Body Finisher

    For time: 15-10-10

    • Dumbbell thruster
    • Up-down

    Week 4

    (📄 Handbag COACH Sig Jcqrd Fld Bckt B C3853 B4S0M B4 Osk Maple)


    2 rounds; 60 seconds per movement; no rest between rounds or exercises

    • Jumping Jacks
    • Inchworm
    • Shoulder Taps
    • Glute bridge Hold

    brick Block #1

    4 rounds

    Complete one round then rest for 60 seconds before starting the next round.

    • Goblet Squat, 15 reps
    • torba na ramie z saszetka coach akcesoria sak, 15 reps
    • Handbag COACH Aft Clf Tali Bckt CA112 B4 BK B4 Black, 15 reps

    brick Block #2

    4 rounds

    Complete one round then rest for 60 seconds before starting the next round.

    • Push-Up, 10 reps
    • torba na ramie crosstown coach torba, 10 reps total
    • Dumbbell (or Bodyweight) Alternating Reverse Lunge, 10 reps total

    Core Blaster

    2 rounds; 45 seconds per movement, 15 seconds rest

    • Dumbbell (or Bodyweight) Russian Twist
    • Bicycle Crunch
    • Rolling Plank

    Full-Body Finisher

    For time: 20-15-10

    • Dumbbell thruster
    • Up-down
    Headshot of Jess Movold
    Jess Movold

    A running novice for more than a decade, Movold is a licensed brick and running coach for Runner’s World+ members and at the Mile High Run Club in New York City. When she’s not motivating class-goers through grueling treadmill workouts, you’ll likely Stylish her zig-zagging boroughs on bridges throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan or training for her next marathon . She’s ready to push you to your next running goal as she chases her own—running a marathon in under 3 hours.