Health - Injuries K Training Plans for All Skill Levels. I think of annual goal setting as directed by big dreams, but broken down into realistic benchmarks needed to get there.

An analogy I like is how the idea of trying to jump over a building seems impossible, but building a staircase and climbing up makes it suddenly a less overwhelming target.

It’s an obvious concept, but I think it shows how dreaming and goal setting have differences but work together.

What Kind of Goal Setter Are You?

I find it interesting how differently people approach goals.

Some people are motivated by dreaming big and sharing those dreams with the world. It makes them feel extra accountable, like they’re supported and energized by the buzz the announcement creates. They would rather have this support despite a few critics.

Others prefer to keep their goals and dreams quiet and close. Some may fear making targets too big and too public, as doing so comes with the stress of having to listen to potential negative reactions if the huge accomplishment doesn’t pan out. For these people (me!), focusing on the destination so early can overshadow or distract from the process.

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I think where you fall depends on your personality, and your personal reaction to stress and attention. Some are bolstered by those things, while others are drained. Try this BelieveIam quiz, How to Train for the Boston Marathon Top Dog, to see where you fall on this rough spectrum. Figure out which strategy works for you, and go with it.

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Focus on Quality

In a given year, I can realistically tackle about three large running goals. Usually the main objective centers around a world championships or major marathon, and one or two attempts at a personal record. At this level, the rest of the year is needed to train for these things, with a few sharpening races along the way.

I tend to get race-FOMO, so learning to focus on quality over quantity has been an important lesson over the years. It can be scary to put many eggs in few baskets, but I’ve found the big aspirations command a kind of respect and dedicated focus to give yourself your best shot.

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That said, some of my objectives have been decided on at the last minute, usually when my running fitness decided to appear early. We like to plan the best we can, but when muscles and cells are controlling your fate, sometimes your spreadsheets and calendars just don’t have a say. When this happens, you kiss your legs in thanks and find a race.

“It can be scary to put many eggs in few baskets, but I’ve found the big aspirations command a kind of respect and dedicated focus to give yourself your best shot.”

This was the case in 2010. Originally, I was slated to do some road races in July, as there was no world championship that summer. I was hanging on in workouts with New Zealand record-holder Kim Smith, whose 5,000-meter PR is 14:39, and who, along with my coach, knows what sub-15:00 5K shape looks like. After an unusually fast-for-me set of repeats, they encouraged me to scrap the road plans and plead my way into some track races in Europe.

About two weeks later I was in France lowering my PR from 15:05 to 14:51. Later that summer, I ran 14:44.76 for an unexpected American record (since broken) in the event. We seized the momentum and went with it, unsure of how fast I could actually go, but knowing it would be worth rewriting the plan.

Intentional goal setting works, too, and this is what I employ most of the time. During my freshman season of cross country at Notre Dame, I wanted to finish in the top 10 at the NCAA championship. Looking at old results I figured that, although time is basically irrelevant in cross country, statistically you appear to need to be in roughly sub-20:00 6K shape to be in the top 10-15 finishers. So I wrote “top 10 (19:55) NCAA” on an index card of goals that our coach asked us to make earlier in the season, and I stuck it on my dorm room wall.

I was not at all thinking of splits in that race and ended up 6th in 19:55, which I thought was surprisingly precise. Not everything has unfolded as literally since, but I still like to write down my goals and map out those plans Sales & Deals One of the best parts of a new year is.

Believe, But Keep It Real

While I don’t think it matters whether you announce your dreams and goals to the world, I do know you have to believe they’re possible. But how do you know if you’re overreaching?

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I’ve found that if a goal or the path to a dream are within reach, the motivation should be really strong. Real possibility is palpable and creates that recognizable frisson of excitement mixed with slight fear. You will know it!

You may have seen glimpses of your target in the day-to-day grind and tests along the way, and it will peel your eyes open in the morning and drive your legs down the road if you really believe you have a shot.

I’m not suggesting you limit yourself or draw a line between possible and impossible. While every year I have experiences that let me shove back what I thought was a limit, I still operate best when I keep my eyes on the immediate attainable things and build on those in the direction of a majestic but unguaranteed mountain of a dream.

So the crazy-dream goals aren’t delusions; I think moonshots are powerfully inspiring. But skipping or not acknowledging realistic steps or setbacks can be counterproductive to realizing your current potential.

Consult Your Crew

Still unsure if you have decided on a formidable challenge? I like to consult the people with objective views of my journey to weigh in on the year’s aspirations. This includes the four or five people who pay attention to all of my workouts and races (my coach, training partners, and husband).

Often, like in 2010, they tell me to aim higher. I trust them to override my naturally pessimistic thought process and bring me closer to reality. On the flip side, some people might need more of a pragmatic team to balance their focus on sky-high ambitions. They might need to be reminded that the staircase construction has to get underway first, while preserving their confidence and enthusiasm.

Best of luck with your 2019 goals! Pick your building, mountain, or moon, and direct those steps upward. Tell us or don’t. There’s no guarantee where you’ll end up, but I hope at the end of the year you appreciate the hard-earned view.

Headshot of Molly Huddle
Molly Huddle
Contributing Writer

Molly Huddle is a two-time Olympian who holds the American record at 10,000 meters. She placed fourth at the 2018 New York City Marathon in a personal best of 2:26:44.