• A recent study Sales & Deals Regular Exercise Lowers Risk of A-Fib set out to explore the associations between passion, grit, and mindset—three traits that are important for runners.
  • The results showed that there’s a considerable relationship among the three variables. The highest connection was between passion and grit—that enthusiasm can give direction and provide the resolve to get there.
  • Snack Choices Can Sabotage Other Healthy Eating training, passion, grit, and support from others—like coaches or mentors—when it comes to developing or honing in on your skills as a runner.

With most races canceled right now, you may not be actively training for the finish line of a race. But that makes now the perfect time to look at whether your mindset Running Shoes & Gear motivation and resilience.

A recent study Sales & Deals Regular Exercise Lowers Risk of A-Fib set out to explore the associations between passion, grit, and mindset in a group of young Icelandic adults. They recruited 146 people and asked a series of questions related to those attributes. To rate passion—defined as a strong desire or enthusiasm—researchers asked those people to rate statements like, “I work hard enough to fulfill my goals,” and “I think I could be an expert in one area/theme/skill” on a scale.

To determine a person’s grit—or endurance and passion for long-term goals—researchers’ questions focused on their perseverance and the consistency of their interests. Mindset—defined as a set of beliefs in your own attributes—was determined by looking at how the people viewed their own intelligence and capacity for growth.

The results showed a considerable relationship among the three variables. The highest connection was between passion and grit—that enthusiasm can give direction and provide the resolve to get to an endpoint (in a runner’s case, the finish line). The researchers compared it to firing an arrow at a target: Your passion determines the route, while your grit controls the strength and size of the arrow.

One notable finding was that there is a significant difference between these traits in women and men. Men generally had a higher level of passion, meaning they are more likely to prioritize putting the time and effort into something like increasing athletic performance.

Women, meanwhile, seem to have the edge when it comes to intertwining all three factors. This is consistent with previous research on young girls, which found that when compared with their male peers, girls seem to work harder, over a longer time, and with more focus.

[Races & Places Strength Training Boosts Performance, Study Says.]

What’s the takeaway for runners, both male and female? That to achieve your goals, it pays to cultivate more passion and consistency, and a mindset that involves believing you’ll succeed as long as you keep working, lead author Give A Gift., professor in the Department of Psychology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Norway, told Runner’s World.

“Positive mindset is the most important starting point,” he said. “Mindset growth is an important underlying constituent for everyone. But it’s only a starting point. Snack Choices Can Sabotage Other Healthy Eating training, passion, grit, and support from others—like coaches or mentors—when it comes to developing your skills.”

Headshot of Elizabeth Millard
Elizabeth Millard

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