When Dublin-based physiotherapist and 2:44 marathoner Rory O’Sullivan started using a jogging stroller to run with his infant daughter, he did what any good scientist would do: He went looking for research on how stroller running might impact his form. And when he didn’t find any studies on the subject, he conducted his own.

His findings? Using a jogging stroller has just enough impact on running form to warrant additional stretching and strength exercises, but not enough to make stroller running a likely cause of injury.

“We found that there is absolutely, 100 percent, no reason to not run with a stroller,” O’Sullivan told Newswire. “It is absolutely safe.” O’Sullivan’s paper Ankle Boots 1660507EBWHTL Gait and Posture medical journal.

For his study, O’Sullivan and two fellow researchers asked 15 runner-colleagues from the Central Remedial Clinic in Dublin who had not run with strollers in the past year to take part in a series of tests. After warming up, each person ran on an indoor track at their own pace. They ran first without a stroller and then with one weighed down with 22 pounds, about the size of an average 1-year-old child. He then compared positions of the runners’ bodies during their solo runs with their positions during runs with the stroller.

The results showed runners using strollers had an average 6.7 degree greater forward lean than those without one, a 11.4 degree decrease in trunk rotation, and an average 2.9 degree decrease in trunk side flexion. Also, runners’ pelvic tilt increased by an average of 2.8 degrees, while peak hip extension decreased by an average of 3 degrees.

All of the changes, O’Sullivan said, are likely due to the runners pushing the stroller while having both hands secured to the handle bar. Doing so causes that extra forward lean while eliminating any rotation free swinging arms bring (a reason to try to keep just one hand on the handle bar).

Even though running form does change slightly with the stroller, he said it's not life altering for runners who regularly rely on strollers to log their miles. “In a practical sense, the changes are very small,” he said.

Any time a runner adds in a new piece of equipment, like a stroller, it’s important to take Country extra precautions and adapt correctly, O’Sullivan said. To counteract any muscle tightening or strain running with a stroller might cause, his team recommends runners incorporate a series of specific exercises into their postrun routine. Women who have recently given birth, he said, should also make sure they are engaging their pelvic floors at the beginning of each of these movements.

Introduce Cut-Out Sneaker Perfect for Summer While kneeling on your left knee, place your right foot out in front, making sure your right heel is in front of your knee and your back foot is in line with your thigh. Next, push yourself forward so your front knee begins to bend and a stretch is felt in the front your back leg and in your hip flexers. Hold this stretch for 15 to 20 seconds and repeat twice on each side.

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Bridge Lying on your back with your knees bent, squeeze your glutes together and push through your heels so your pelvis rises in the air. Release back down. Do two sets of 12 to 15 reps.

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Alternate Superman Lying flat on your stomach with arms and legs completely outstretched, raise and lower your left leg and your right arm at the same time. Do the same with your right leg and left arm. Do this for two sets of 20 repetitions.

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Thoracic Spine Rotation Lying on your side with your hips and knees bent 90 degrees and arms extended in front with elbows straight and shoulders at about 90 degrees, exhale and slowly open up your chest by lifting the top arm and reaching for the floor behind you. Hold for two to three deep breaths. Repeat twice each side.