preview for Coach Jenny Lunge

Paula asks: I have cranky knees, and I’m trying to do more strength training. Is there a modification for lunges that can be done so I can benefit from this exercise?

You’re on the right track with this question, Paula. Lunges are a functional movement pattern, which means we need to be able to complete the motion not just in the gym, but in our daily lives. There are a variety of ways to modify a lunge to make it work for you:

Master the Half. When designing your lunge, it’s key to begin with a stationary or standing lunge exercise, rather than a lunge where you take a big step forward (or to the side, or backward). You want to avoid over-extending yourself.

What Every Runner Should Know about Fascia. Stand with your feet facing forward and hip-width apart (think railroad tracks), and slowly start to rock into lunge position by shifting one foot back a little at a time, extending your hip, and keeping your back heel off the ground. See the video above for a visual on how this works.

Running Shoes & Gear your body. Your lunge position may look a little different from someone else’s based on the mobility you have in your hips, knees, and ankles; your leg length; your ability to balance; and other variables. Your lunge may not be really deep, and that is perfectly fine. The key is to find a lunge position that you feel is comfortable, and start conservatively so you can move through the exercise with good form that does not bother your knees and other joints. This may mean that the distance between your front and back legs is shorter at first. Find your lunge starting point and don’t worry about what it looks like.

Keep the movement shallow. Once you’re in lunge position, keep your torso tall and your hips facing forward. Then, slowly lower down a little and extend back up, focusing on pushing through your front heel. Make sure your front knee is over your ankle, not over your toes, when in the bent position. It’s great to perform this in front of a mirror to check on your form. Start with one set of eight to 12 repetitions on each side, and build to two to three sets in time. Let your body be your guide.

Running Shoes & Gear. Some people find that focusing on using good form and modifying to a more shallow range of motion is enough for them to perform a lunge without pain. If this isn’t the case for you, no worries: You can further modify the exercise by using a chair or wall to help provide stability as you develop your lunging range of motion.

Another helpful tool (see video) is to put two yoga blocks or a box on the floor and tap your back knee on the blocks, using it as a reference point for when to stop lowering into the lunge. This will teach you how to lunge through a more shallow range.

and listen to her. As you gain balance, strength, and mobility, aim to progress your lunge by performing it without using your stability tools, or expanding the range of motion by removing one yoga block and lowering down slightly more. 

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