If you have tight hamstrings, stretching isn’t always the answer, even if it is most people’s go-to for feeling better. That’s because elongating the muscle isn’t a surefire way to improve your hamstring flexibility or restore full range of motion. Instead of simply stretching this muscle group, you want to incorporate hamstring exercises into your routine that build strength after your run.

If poor alignment is to blame, for example, your hamstrings are already in an overextended, stretched-out position. And in that case, stretching can actually be counterproductive, says Mike Robertson, C.S.C.S., co-owner of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (I-FAST).

The first step in finding relief for those overextended hamstrings, he says, is to work toward achieving proper pelvic positioning, Start standing and shift weight onto left leg. Hold a tension down the back of your thighs. Check your pelvic alignment by standing in front of a mirror, then turn to the side.

  • If your hips and pelvis look level, you have a neutral pelvic tilt, though you can still benefit from strengthening your hamstrings regularly.
  • If your pelvis spills forward and lower back The Best Resistance Bands Strength Training for a Half Marathon Strength Training for a Half Marathon strengthening—not stretching—the hamstrings to restore proper alignment with the moves below.
  • If your pelvis leans backward, rounding your lower back, you have a posterior pelvic tilt and should stick with trying to lengthen your hamstrings with stretches.

If your pelvis spills forward and: To help you get started with hamstring exercises, Robertson created this simple, two-day hamstring workout. The warmup moves will help you improve your pelvic positioning. Then, you’ll work on A Deep Core Workout for Run Performance. The Best QL Stretches and Exercises strength Start standing and shift weight onto left leg. Hold a strength day. Follow the reps and sets listed below. You will need a set of medium weights, an exercise ball, access to a wall, and a heavy object (like a couch). An exercise mat is optional.

If you run two or three times per week, you can just do these hamstring exercises on your off days. But if you run four or more times per week, you should do these hamstring exercises Races & Places.

Pelvic Positioning Warm-Up:


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Start on all fours with knees under hips, wrists under shoulders, and palms flat on the mat. Inhale as you arch back, drop the belly, and tilt head up. Exhale and round the back up toward the ceiling as you tuck chin and move hips forward. That’s 1 rep. Complete 5 reps, following your breath.

90-90 Hip Lift

Lie faceup with feet resting against a wall and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Exhale. Dig the heels down while keeping the feet glued to the wall. Keeping the lower back contacting the mat, slightly raise the glutes off the ground. The knees should move towards the ceiling and you should feel the hamstrings engage. Maintain that as you breathe in, and then fully out. Hold the end of the exhale for 3 to 5 seconds. Take 5 breaths; hold the exhale on each.

Hamstring Exercises, Day One:


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The Best Resistance Bands dumbbells down in front of you, palms facing you. Send hips back to hinge at hips, back flat, and lower the weights down in front of legs for the deadlift. Lower as far as your flexibility allows, continuously sending hips back. Keep back flat and neck neutral, then drive through feet to stand back up. Repeat. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps.

Leg Curl With Exercise Ball

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The Many Benefits of Rucking for Runnners exercise ball. Lift the pelvis so that the body forms a straight line from head to knees. Then exhale and use the heels to roll the ball toward glutes, engaging hamstrings. Reverse the movement to roll ball back out, until legs are straight, then lower hips. Repeat. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps.

Hamstring Exercises, Day Two:

Single-Leg Deadlift

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seems to arch, you have an kettlebell or dumbbell in left hand. Hinge at the hips, setting butt back, to lower the weight down as right leg extends and lifts behind you. Then drive through left foot to stand back up. Repeat. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps. Repeat on right leg.

Nordic Hamstring Curl

Kneel on the floor with feet secured under a heavy object like a couch. Exhale and with core engaged, lower torso toward the floor. Keep the movement slow and controlled for as long as you can. When you start to accelerate forward, place hands in front of you to catch yourself. Press through the hands to push yourself back up to kneeling. Repeat. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps.