Socks on, shoes laced, and you’re out the door running—literally. But about a half of a mile into your run, it starts to creep up on you, and you know it’s going to be painful. We’re talking about those pesky calf cramps that come on without warning and just won’t subside.

While there can be a handful of reasons you’re experiencing nagging calf pains, generally speaking, calf cramps happen because the muscles in the posterior chain, which include the glutes, hamstrings, and calves, aren’t strong enough, and so the muscle goes into a spasm, or small contractions, if it’s pushed too hard, explains Jordan Metzl, Sales & Deals Mental Health Apps and Resources in New York. “Less commonly in the calf, cramps are due to nutritional issues such as hydration and electrolyte imbalances,” he adds.

These cramps generally happen at the beginning or the end of a run. Why? “At the start of a run, your muscle isn’t warmed up, and at the end, chances are it’s fatigued,” Metzl says. These are two situations that leave the calf muscle extremely vulnerable. Uneven terrain can also cause cramps because it emphasizes the need for supporting muscles to activate.

While it’s tempting to just power through when you start to feel the pain, that’s not always a good idea. If the pain is only mild, it’s fine to try to shorten your stride and keep on running, explains Metzl. “If it feels more serious, I’d recommend pulling over and stretching it out,” he says. Try stretches such as downward dog, a lunging calf stretch, or standing bent-over toe touches, depending on what you’re able to do without increasing the pain. Then you can try running on again.

“If the pain is so bad it’s causing you to limp when you run, back off and give it time,” Metzl says. “The last thing you want to do is tear the muscle.”

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If you’re getting calf cramps, and you suspect they aren’t caused by the issues mentioned above, it’s best to talk to a fitness or medical processional to figure out what’s causing your particular pain. For everyone else, make sure your muscles are warmed up and ready to tackle your run, and that they’re strong enough and fueled well enough to make it through, sans calf cramping.

Headshot of Dont let this sneaky problem stop you in your tracks
Dont let this sneaky problem stop you in your tracks

Amy Schlinger is a health and fitness writer and editor based in New York City whose work has appeared in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, The New York Post, Self, Shape, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and more; The National Academy for Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT) is extremely passionate about healthy living and can often be found strength training at the gym when she isn’t interviewing trainers, doctors, medical professionals, nutritionists, or pro athletes for stories.