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Kunstmalerei Angela Lenz

 Since her early childhood, Angela Lenz has not been safe from either a pencil or similar utensils with which to visualise impressions.
To this day, her favourite motifs include animals and plants, with animals having a special preference. Her passion for painting and drawing did not change the actual career choice Angela's parents expected of her: She started an apprenticeship as a hotel manageress.

Nevertheless, Angela persevered with her art and painting, and it was not until 2004 that she began to paint, mainly painting landscapes based on old postcards and animal portraits.

At the same time, she got to know fly fishers and so Angela Lenz became interested in fly fishing motifs. From her experience with painting chipboard boxes, she tried her hand at fly boxes made of bamboo and painted them with flies and fishes for fly fishers.

Since 2006, Angela Lenz has been represented at fly fishing fairs with her beautiful works of art, the painted fly boxes and other pictures.
Many familiar and new faces come always to her stand with enthusiasm to see what new things she has created.

Angela Lenz will exhibit her latest and most popular tins and paintings at the EWF.