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Anatol Donkan

 Exploring and coming to terms with my Nanai ancestry runs through my life and artistic work.

Picture: At work - during the tanning process of sturgeon leather. Sturgeon leather is a fascinating, original material that is finding more and more fans.

During my art studies, I explored my roots on the banks of the Amur, my cultural identity, the simple, spiritual figures of the Nanai and discovered a remnant of old, dry fish leather - the beginning of a passion, the research for the best natural tanning method and the start of my fish leather accessories and design objects.


Myths and stories of the Nanai influence my art and drawings. I often depict animals, animal spirits or trees of life.
The simple and yet so expressive forms and figures of the Nanai are a source of inspiration for me.

I have been living and working in Viechtach in the Bavarian Forest since 2005.


He browns every single fish skin with love and heart and soul. For Anatol, it's part of the fish story. His tanning process is purely vegetable without chemical additives.

Belts made of different coloured salmon leather. At Anatol Donkan you can also get colourful fish leather bracelets in a similar style.


Shaman kaftan (contemporary art Anatol Donkan)